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Radiant Red Earring Project
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1) Take one of the Wire Hoops and thread the one end of the hoop through the flattened side with the hole. Compress the hoop so that enough wire goes through the hole to make a simple loop with the exposed wire. (Please refer to "How to Use Wire Hoops" under the DIY videos section for further help with this step if needed.
2) Take one of the 1' lengths of Gold Filled Wire, and make a small "U" at one of the ends. Fit this around one side of the Wire Hoop and, while holding onto the tail of the "U" begin to wrap the rest of the wire around the hoop (take your time here, passing all of this wire through the hoop can cause it to kink up - if you're in a rush. The first couple of wraps will always be the trickiest, but then you'll get the hang of it). Wrap around about 4-5 times and then thread on a Ruby bead until you're about 6mm (approx) from the hoop. Fold the wire back toward the rest of the wrapping and then while pinching the Ruby Bead with your non-dominant hand, twist the bead about 3-4 times.
3) Now that your bead is secured in the wrapping that you just completed, continue to wrap the wire as you did before about 3 times. Now go back out with your wire again and thread on another Ruby bead. You can choose whatever length you would like your bead to sit at and then fold the wire back toward the wrapping on the hoop, and twist the Ruby bead acouple of times (not too tight, or you'll snap the wire).
4) Continue wrapping the hoop and twisting on Ruby beads until you are directly across from where you started on the other side. Finish off this earring by wrapping the wire around 4-5 times and then cutting away the excess wire with your Side Cutters. Use your Chain Nose pliers to press in the wrapped wire end if a little is sticking out after cutting the rest away. Double check all of your wrapping and twisting and you can tweak your beads to sit off to the left or right of the hoop. Bend some so that they're sticking out, or straight up or down. Give this earring a fun feel, don't just line all of these twisted beads up in a row.
5) Follow all of these instructions again to create the other earring, and now that you have the technique down pat, you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll finish this other earring. (Remember that these don't have to match at all!!)
Quantity of Items Needed
30 Czech Druk Glass Round 4mm Ruby (DG4008)
2' Round Wire 26ga Gold Filled (GR126)
2 Gold Filled Flat Fish Hook Ear Wire w/ Spring (SH304)
2 Gold Filled Beading Hoops 1¼" (WH334)
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