
Nightwind Pendant

Nightwind Pendant

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1) Sqeeze equal amounts of epoxy onto a piece of paper and mix the both together with a toothpick. When the epoxy is ready, use the toothpick to place epoxy in the well of the Stone Mounting Bail (BL157). Place the bail onto the back of the Moon Face Cabachon. Position is so that it's right in the center and allow the epoxy to cure completely (24hrs) until moving.

2) Take the 1 1/4" diameter leather circle and position it on the back of the cabochon. Roll the piece of tape onto itself and use this to hold the piece of leather to the back of the cabochon. Thread a needle onto a 2' length of Nymo cord. (Condition this cord too with some Thread Heaven). Place a few overhand knots in the very end of the cord and thread through the leather circle from the front to the back, right next to the cabochon. Come up through the back of the leather and thread on six Metallic Green AB Delica beads. Thread back down through the front of the leather, positioning the strung seed beads right next to the cabochon. Come up through the back of the leather two seed bead lengths away from the first seed bead strung on. Thread on two seed beads, then take your needle through four of the six seed beads that were thread on in the beginning of this step. Continue this "two on, through four" stitch until you are around the circumference of the cabochon. Come up through the last two seed beads of the initial six threaded on and begin to peyote stitch around the cabochon. You'll be working the peyote stitch from right to left, whereas with your "two-four" stitch, you were working from left to right.

3) When you are done with your first row of peyote, make another row, only this time, thread on Iris Black Delica instead of the Metallic Green AB Delicas you were using before (you can go through each of your peyote rows again to tighten the stitch) . For the next row after this, use the Galvanized Mint Delicas. (Thread on four Mint Galvanized Delicas to go across the front of the Stone Mounting bail)

4) Go back to using the Iris Black Delicas for the next row, and then one more row of the Mint Galvanized Delicas. After you're through with this last peyote row (use four more Mint Galvanized beads to go across the front of the stone mounting bail) drop the cording back down a row and when you come out of each of the Iris Black again, you'll thread on one Light Grey Opal Bicone and one Mint Galvanized bead. Go around with the cording and back through the Light Grey Opal bicone. Keep traveling around the Black Iris row, attaching a Light Opal Bicone with a Mint Galvanized bead on top.

To Finish.
5) Double check all of your rows, and make sure that they are all nice and tight and then secure your thread (any secure knot style will work), work the tail through a couple of stitches and cut off the rest of the thread.
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