
Egg Hunt Earring Project

Egg Hunt Earring Project

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1) Take one of the Headpins (HP115) and thread on one Sapphire Daisy Spacer (DS6003), one Rose Daisy Spacer (DS8380), one Peridot Daisy Spacer (DS1040), another Rose Daisy Spacer (DS8380) and finally another Sapphire Daisy Spacer (DS6003).

2) Using your Chain and Round Nose Pliers, make a simple loop with the remaining wire on the Head Pin. Trim off any excess wire with your Side Cutters.

3) With only your Chain Nose Pliers, open the Simple loop that you just made in the previous step the same way that you would open a jump ring (to the side, not out) and slide on the connecting loop of one of the earwires (SH201). Close the simple loop completely and securely after doing this.

4) Repeat all steps to create the other earring and your ready for Easter!

Quantity of Items Needed
2 Swarovski Margarita Beads 3700 10mm Peridot (DS1040)
4 Swarovski Margarita Beads 3700 6mm Sapphire (DS6003)
4 Swarovski Margarita Beads 3700 8mm Rose (DS8380)
2 Head Pin 1.5" 24 gauge Silver Plated (HP115)
2 French Hook Wire With Bead & Spring Surgical Steel (SH201)
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