Jade is the name given for two different gem rocks; Jadeite and Nephrite. (The Jadeite type being both the rarer and thus, more precious than Nephrite type) There are many shades of green, off-white, pink, reddish, orange, blue lavender, tan, gray and black. Jadeite is vari-colored, whereas much of the nephrite is a bold green, white and black. Jade is said to have the power to cure kidney ailments. In fact, the term nephrite is derived from the term Lapis Nephriticus (kidney stones). The name Jade is said to be derived from the Spanish term for hip stone, Piedra de ijada. All Jade should be kept away from intense heat and acids. It also stimulates creativity while creating harmony. Since Ancient times in China, Jade “yu” has been regarded as the royal gemstone. It is the state gemstone of Alaska.