
Sterling Silver Jump Ring Necklace

Sterling Silver Jump Ring Necklace

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1) Take the bar half of TC836 and attach one JR505 to it. While the jump ring is open, attach another JR505 to it. Close the open JR505.

2) Open the last JR505. Attach another JR505 to it. Close the open jump ring.

3) Open two JR505s and attach them to the last JR505 attached. While the two JR505s are open, attach two more JR505s. Close the two open JR505s.

4) Lay the two jump rings so that they are overlapping and reasonably flat. Take two open JR505s and thread through the intersecting hole created by the four jump rings laying flat. Close the two open JR505s.

5) Continue this pattern and you will notice that the necklace will begin to twist. This is okay, just make sure to work very slowly and double check your progress frequently.

To Finish.

6) When the necklace is to the desired length, take one JR505 and link the end of the necklace with the other half of TC836.
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