
Stardust Earring Project

Stardust Earring Project

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1) Take one Headpin (HP105), and thread on one 2mm Round Bead (BD205), one 6mm Stardust Bead (SB605), followed by another 2mm Round Bead. With your Chain nose and Round Nose pliers, make a simple loop, cutting off any excess wire with your Side Cutters. Re-open the loop slightly, and thread the loop onto the last link on one of the 7/8" length of Chain (CN234). Close the loop securely.

2) Take one Eyepin (EP335), and open the loop slightly. Attach the opened loop to the other end of the 7/8" length of chain from step #1. Close the loop on the Eyepin securely, and thread on one 2mm Round Bead (BD205), one 5mm Stardust Bead (SB505), and another 2mm Round Bead (BD205). Make a simple loop with the remaining Eyepin wire, cutting off any of the excess wire with your Side Cutters. Re-open the loop slightly, and attach the loop to the end link on one of the 5/8" lengths of Chain (CN234). Close the loop securely.

3) Take another Eyepin (EP335), and open the loop slightly. Attach the opened loop to the other end of the 5/8" length of chain from step #2. Close the loop on the Eyepin securely, and thread one 2mm Round Bead (BD205), one 4mm Stardust Bead (SB405), and another 2mm Round Bead (BD205). Make a simple loop with the remaining Eyepin wire, cutting off any of the excess wire with your Side Cutters. Re-open the loop slightly, and attach the loop to the connector loop on the Ball Post Earring (BP405).

4) Attach one Earnut (EN925) to the post of the earring. Repeat all steps to create the other earring.

Quantity of Items Needed
12 Round Bead 2mm Sterling Silver (BD205)
2 Ball Post Earring with Open Ring 4mm Sterling Silver (BD405)
5" Drawn Cable Link Chain 1.3mm Sterling Silver (CN234)
2 Ear Backs Heavy 6.5mm Sterling Silver (EN925)
2 Eye Pin 1" 24 Gauge Sterling Silver (EP335)
2 Head Pin 1" 24 Gauge Sterling Silver (HP105)
2 Stardust Beads 4mm Sterling Silver (SB405)
2 Stardust Beads 5mm Sterling Silver (SB505)
2 Stardust Beads 6mm Sterling Silver (SB605)
Helpful project, learned something new
I'm looking to make chain earrings with beads attached, so this is a really helpful base project for learning how to do that.
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Reviewed by:  from USA. on 12/10/2018
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