
Soft Moonlight Necklace

Soft Moonlight Necklace

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** Make sure to straighten your bead cord (BC1010) out overnight by attaching the ends to a fairly heavy set of keys and hanging over a shower rod. The weight of the keys should pull any folds out of the bead cord. I periodically tug on the ends to help it out a bit too. **

1) Take one of the headpins, and thread on one stardust bead (SB505) and one Silver Shade Bicone (BC1010). Make a wrapped loop with the remaining headpin wire. Cut off any excess wire with your side cutters. Repeat this step again with the other headpin, but this time thread on another stardust bead (SB505) and a Crystal Moonlight Bicone (AC6301).

2) Open the loop on the eyepin just like you would a jump ring, and thread on the two wrapped loops from step #1. Then, thread the Crystal Twist Bead (TB8000) onto the eyepin. Make a wrapped loop with the remaining eyepin wire, and make sure to remove any excess wire with your side cutters. Set aside for the moment.

3) Take your bead cord and thread the needle through a bead tip (BD195) The bead tip looks like an open mouth if you hold it to the side. Feed the cord through the "mouth" of the bead tip. Pull the bead tip all the way down the cord until you are about 2 1/2" from the end. Make two overhand knots on this mark, one knot on top of the other. Use your tweezers if you have to and put a small drop of Hypo Cement (GL400) on top of the knot. Allow to dry for about 10mins. Cut the end of the cord off with your side cutters (PL495) - you don't have to worry about the cord fraying when cutting like this, as the glue holds the knot and keeps the cord from unravelling within. Slide the "mouth" of the bead tip over the knot and use your chain nose pliers to close the bead tip shut.

4) Make another overhand knot in the cord about 2 1/4" up from the closed bead tip in step #3. Thread on one Crystal Moonlight Bicone (AC6301) and cinch it right up to the overhand knot. Keep it in place by placing another overhand knot right next to the strung bicone. (This is the pearl knotting technique, so if you need further help, consult our techniques page, or watch our video on Pearl Knotting for step by step help.)

5) Measure 1" down and put another overhand knot in the cord. This time thread on a Silver Shade Round Crystal (RB6501). Put another overhand knot in the cord. This is pattern that you will follow, with 1" in the cord between the beads. Here's the rest of the bead scheme --

Crystal Moonlight Bicone
Silver Shade Round Crystal
Crystal Moonlight Bicone
Silver Shade Round Crystal
Silver Stardust Bead
Silver Shade Bicone
Crystal Moonlight Round Crystal
Silver Shade Bicone
Crystal Moonlight Round Crystal
Silver Shade Bicone

6) Now, after you have threaded all of these crystals (and silver stardust bead) Measure down the cord 2" and place an overhand knot in the cord. Take the eyepin that has the Twist bead attached to it and thread it onto the cord. It will slip right over that overhand knot that you just made. Now, you'll continue working with the beading pattern listed above, just from the bottom of the list, up to the top. Make sure that you're still leaving 1" between each of the crystals on the cord.

7) When you've put the last crystal on the cord and set the last overhand knot to keep that crystal in place, thread on the last bead tip (the "mouth" this time will face toward the needle on the cord) and measure up 2" on the cord. Put two overhand knots in the cord right on that measurement, one one top of the other. Put a small drop of Hypo Cement over the knot and allow to dry for about 10mins. Use your side cutters to cut the remaining cord off. Slide the bead tip over the knot and close the bead tip with your chain nose pliers.

To Finish.
8) Open both of the Jump Rings (JR405) with your chain nose and round nose pliers. Use these jump rings to attach one half of the Maganetic Clasp (MA430) to each of the closed bead tips. Close the jump rings securely and you're in fashion now!

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