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Rawhide Bracelet Project
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Take the four strands of Leather Cording and seperate into two groups of two. Take one of the two strand Leather groups and tie an overhand knot with one of the ends of both cords. Tape to a flat surface with a piece of tape. Take the two strands of Suede Cord and make an overhand knot with the ends of the two cords. Tape this down to the flat surface, right next to the first leather group that you taped down. Take the last two strand group of Leather Cords, and make another overhand knot with the ends, taping these down right next to the Suede Cording taped down on the flat surface.
With the three groups of cords all taped down, begin to braid all three groups fairly tight. Continue to braid until you are at the desired length. Tie an overhand knot with all of the groups and cinch it up fairly close to the last braid, but not right next to it. Allow a bit of room for the next step.
Take one of the 5" lengths of Waxed Cotton Cord and tie it to one of the ends of the braiding (make this tight). Make sure that this knot is tied towards the end of this length of cotton cord, not right in the middle. Mix a small amount of expoxy and place a little bit around the knot that you just made with the cord. Allow to dry while you tie the other 5" length of Waxed Cotton Cord to the other side of the braided cord. Repeat with the epoxy for this side too, and allow both sides to cure completely for about 20-30mins before the next step.
Cut the excess Cotton Cord tail off from the knot, and with the remaining cord, wrap around the bundle of cords two times (make this tight!!) . Make another knot and seal with epoxy. Repeat this for the other side of the braiding and allow to dry again for 20-30mins. When completely dry, cut the excess cotton cord tails away from both ends, and cut any of the remaining Leather and Suede cording (knots included) PAST the Cotton Cording.
Mix up some epoxy again and apply some to the inside of one of the End Caps (CA802). Slip the End Cap onto one of the braided ends, and press down on the top of the End Cap to make sure that it has been pressed onto the braided cord ends securely. Wipe away and epoxy that may have squeezed out, and allow to cure completely. Repeat this step for the other side.
Open the two Jump Rings and slip one onto the connector loop of one of the End Caps. Take one half of the Magnetic Clasp and stick the magnet onto the jaw of the cutter, or another magnet. Attach the Magnetic Clasp half to the open Jump Ring, and use your Chain nose and Round nose Pliers to close the Jump Ring. (Keeping the magnetic clasp attached to something metal will keep it from interfering with your pliers as you close the jump rings). Repeat this step for the other side of the bracelet as well. Allow the End Caps to cure on the ends of the bracelet overnight before wearing.
Quantity of Items Needed
2 End Cap with Loop 8mm Gold Plated (CA802)
1 Epoxy 330 (GL330)
2 Jump Ring - Open 4mm Gold Plated (JR201)
4 - 15" lengths of Leather Cord 2mm Dark Brown (LC2125)
1 Magnetic Clasp 8x6mm Gold Plated (MA662)
2 - 15" lengths of Ultra Micro Fiber Suede Cord Black 3mm (MF105)
2 - 5" lengths of Su-Preme Waxed Cotton Cord Brown (SP402)
Great Design
I love how simple this bracelet is.
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Reviewed by:
Sarah Wells
from USA.
on 7/8/2020
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Leather Cord Brown 2mm (25 Yard Spool)
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Ultra Micro Fiber Suede Cord Black 3mm (Priced Per Yard)
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Su-Preme Waxed Cotton Cord Brown 1mm (5 Meters)
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End Cap with Loop 13x8mm Gold Plated (2-Pcs)
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Magnetic Clasp 8x6mm Gold Plated (1-Pc)
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Open Round Jump Ring 4.5mm Gold Plated (100-Pcs)
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Epoxy 330 (Two-Part)
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